Prices and conditions

Prices and conditions of regify GmbH Demo Portal



Upon registration, we grant you 30 days of regimail professional membership at no charge!

regimail private (for consumers)
  • You can read regify messages unlimited and free of charge (regimail, regipay, regibill).
  • You are allowed to create up to 10 free regimail messages a month.
free of charge
regimail professional
Offers you all of the regimail private features, but in addition you can also have the following:
  • Create up to 500 regimail messages a month.
  • View your Transaction history.
  • Write and send regimail messages online.
  • Create and manage representatives.
  • Works with up to 5 e-mail addresses.
  • Offers optional authentication.
7,50 EUR excl. Vat
(Example prices, not billed in Demo portal!)
Be a regibox member
  • Being member of regiboxes of other persons.
  • Synchronize data in regiboxes (depending on permissions).
free of charge
Create regiboxes by yourself
  • Create an unlimited number of regiboxes.
  • The content is allowed to be up to 2GB in sum.
  • Invite as many members as you like into your regiboxes.
15,00 EUR excl. Vat
(Example prices, not billed in Demo portal!)

Payment options

regify GmbH Demo Portal accepts payments as follows:

This is the Demo-Service. You do not have to pay the bills from this portal. If you have questions, please contact us using